Sales Desk Consulting
As the role of the sales desk and its internal wholesalers continues to evolve rapidly, firms need to step back and ask themselves:
Why do we do things the way we do? (Other than it’s the way we’ve always done it.)
What do we need to start, stop, and continue?
How do we make that happen?
Our clients know that Interactive Communications always tells it like it is, so they can validate their assumptions, gain industry perspective, and implement change. Here are just a few of the sales desk challenges we’ve been able to help firms tackle:
Sales skill assessment.
Do internals have the skills they need to bring in and retain assets? What are the strengths, the gaps, and what needs to happen to kick it up a notch?
What behaviors do current sales desk measurements drive? What measurements would drive more effective behaviors?
Competitive analysis.
How does your sales desk stack up against similar desks across the industry? What best practices would make a difference?
Coaching effectiveness.
Do you have an effective feedback process that doesn’t wander and sets out specific next steps for sales skill development?
Ready to evolve?
We’re ready to talk about how we can help make that happen.