I Guess That's Why They Call It The Blues
It’s cold, rainy/snowy and the holiday hangover just won’t quit.
Is radio silence still the only song playing in your headset?
Raise your hand if these sound familiar:
- Advisors aren’t answering the phone
- No money is moving
- More advisors are just using the models
- Client are focused on fees – only ETFs are selling
- Active management is out of favor
- Advisors are waiting for the impact of: DOL, Trump (before that it was the election), interest rates, end of bull market, add yours here______
- The press isn’t helping: 5 Ominous Signs for the Securities Industry
The sky is falling chicken little
Woe be the internal who tries to combat the blues with ‘back in the day’
- Opening prospect calls with a cheery: Hi it’s x, how are you? do you have a couple of quick seconds…”
- Sending template emails to webinar attendees or advisors who clicked on your site.
- Leading with performance. The new buzzword for sales desk success is strategic thinking. Good strategy drives good activity. Strategic thinking is a learned skill. I’m pretty sure it’s not part of job descriptions or performance reviews.
Here’s two questions to ponder:
How are you developing your internals’ strategic skills?
How is your overall strategy for the desk different in 2017 than it was in 2016? In particular:
- Gaining access
- Relationship management
- Pipeline management
- Quality conversations
- Smart touchpoints
- Internal / External partnerships
Maybe you need to learn more than you know now?